Prisms have been used in “bending” light within a system, “folding” the system into a smaller space, changing the orientation of an image, as well as combining or splitting optical beams with partial reflecting surfaces.Optical prisms refract light to reflect (reflective prisms), disperse (dispersive prisms), or split (beam splitters) light.
Coligh Prism type: Wedge prism, roof prism, cemented prism, rectangular prism, corner cube prism, equilateral prism, square beamsplitter prism, Dove prism, corner cube prism, reflective prism
Production process:
Milling, fine grinding, polishing, coating, cutting, gluing, blackening, curing, cleaning, testing
Prism production capability:
> Size: Coating range: UV NIR IR
> Prism processing capacity: Angle accuracy: 5″
> Surface quality: 20-10
> Surface accuracy: within1/10λ
> Prism difference: 1″
> Dimensional accuracy: ±0.02mm.
> Substrate materials: NBK7, H-K9L, Float Glass, B270, UV Fused Silica, Zinc Selenide.
> Prisms can be delivered coated or without coated just raw material.
Many of our prisms are used mainly in projection display systems, digital camera systems, biometric systems, high-end measurement and medical systems
No. 644, Nanhua Street, Shiqiaopu,
Jiulongpo District,
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